Thursday 21 January 2010

Virtual Host matching - part 2

I have been doing a bit more in depth testing on a development system that I had the problems on to do with vhost matching:

This is my earlier post

I had just updated the "Virtual Host matching" to "physically use the port specified in the rquest", although this allowed the plugin to correctly match the ports by using the actual request in the URL rather than what was in the header record, once the request hit the application server, it went back to using the header record to match to a vhost or web group.

To ensure the app server also does the matching on the actual request rather than what is in the header, I updated the "Application Server Port preference" to "web server port" in the admin console: Servers > Web Servers > "server name" > plugin properties > Request and response

In terms of the plugin file, this now has the following AppServerPortPreference="WebserverPort" as well as VHostMatchingCompat="true"

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